Support a new action for malicious user mitigation methods

We currently support CAPTCHA, Block and JS challenge. If we can support 'Header Inserion' as a new action for the malicious user detection feature, customers can consume that the suspicion score in other security devices.

  • Jin Won LEE
  • May 22 2023
  • Attach files
  • Nikolay Dimitrov commented
    3 Nov, 2023 02:33pm

    Maybe check with F5 sales if authentication intelligence will do this for you as it inserts http header flags for the origin showing if the user is bad or good.

  • Alexis DA COSTA commented
    18 Jul, 2023 05:47am

    Example of use case « fake quote »: if a Malicious User is detected during the request, a fake page is returned by backend server.

    17 Jul, 2023 08:24pm

    there are malicious user security events which can be extracted using API or via global log receiver. The scores and user information is present in those logs