Dynamic way to determine to create route-table for existing subnet (inside and workload)

Jeff Giroux had raised this issue, this will be a good requirement for cloud connector

I need a way to specific existing route table. Or preferrably, do NOT add a route table.
In reference to...
resource "volterra_aws_vpc_site
I'm running a lab and setting up VPC prior with AWS module. It creates route tables for each subnet. I then create a Volterra AWS VPC site using that existing VPC and subnet. However, the Volterra site creation then tries to create a route table and associate to the existing subnets with route tables already. This causes Volterra to error.
Also opened ticket on AWS VPC module repo to see if I can get the AWS team to add a flag in their module to NOT create a RT for particular subnets. See terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-vpc#676


  • Madhukar Nayakbomman
  • Aug 11 2021
  • Attach files