Create automated migration process from BIG-IP to XC

BIG-IP already has half of the required ETL process built in the Journeys tool. I suggest we take that output and build the other half of the ETL to bring the configurations into XC.

My customer is looking at replacing several Viprions with 1000 VIPs with XC CEs, and I think this will become a common use case but will also encounter friction due to the amount of effort (or PS) required to do so.

Why don't we start with simple use cases like LTM and GTM configs

  • Gord Griffiths
  • May 3 2024
  • Attach files
  • John Bertoni commented
    07 May 14:57

    Good idea, especially since many customers might find the feature to feature migration daunting, especially if going from an IRules environment to XC. Make it easier and faster.